I do have a project in work, or a couple of them. I'm venturing into the world of eBooks and audio-books. My first one is for what I think of as my seminal piece of work, titled Religilution (see below). I've got an eBook, my first, up on a site called draft2digital.com. The title is:
Row, Row Your Boat - Navigating Life and Your Career By: Mike Davis
If you Google (still can't believe that became a verb) that title, you should get a bunch of hits. d2d has published that sucker all over the world and it's only $2.99 - like here" https://www.hoopladigital.com/ebook/row,-row-your-boat-navigating-life-and-your-career-mike-davis/17017694
I intend to offer an eBook and audio-book version of everything I've published to date for those who want to read or listen via those technologies.
Furthermore, I do have a few published works available on Amazon Books. You are welcome to buy as many as you want. š I should point out, especially to the literati, that I couldn't afford a professional editor and edited my own work. I don't think I failed completely, but I've found a bump or two myself since publication, so forgive any errors.
Almost An Orphan - As the subtitle says, this is my life, step by misstep. A life that began by being "kidnapped" from my paternal grandmother shortly before my fifth birthday and spirited away to a home for boys from broken families, where I would spend the next ten years scraping, scrapping, being a cowboy, and a trunk full of other adventures. While being an atypical childhood, with eighty boys aged five to eighteen, there was no shortage of escapades. My life took another turn after meeting my mother when I was thirteen, and off I went on my next capers that would carry me into my eighth decade.
Fog Banks In Time - The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. W.B. Yeats
Fog Banks is a collection of short stories I have written over the years, sometimes to enter in writing contests, and occasionally simply because a strange idea for a story popped into my head. Some are dark, some will bring a tear, and I hope readers will find favorites among the many odd and twisted tales I've spun.

Religilution - The Evolution of Religion
"Everything in the known universe is in motion and changing. Our galaxy, solar system, and planet are in constant motion. Everything is evolving, stars are exploding and imploding, planets and galaxies disintegrate, and the debris from these massive detonations coalesce into new planets. Entire solar systems and galaxies are devouring one another. And human spirituality is changing and constantly challenged."
"Warning! If you are devoutly religious, or even casually so, and the questioning of the various teachings you subscribe to or the idea of someone challenging the existence of God causes you to go into an uncontrollable rage, sending you searching for high-powered automatic weapons, I strongly suggest you read no further.
Put this book down! Don't buy it! Better yet, buy it so that you can burn it. Or return it to whomever or wherever it was borrowed. Or finish your business quickly and leave it in the bathroom where you found it. And please — don't tear out any pages, even if the toilet paper roll is empty. The next person might want to read the whole thing."
SBPI - Small Business Process Improvement
Without Breaking The Bank!
This is on Kindle, or any reader you use. In the post-COVID, dog-eat-dog world of business, you want to grab any advantage you can to make your business a success and competitive. This little guide offers tips on process improvement for small businesses (defined here as under 100 employees). You could pay thousands of dollars to a consultant for this information, but you don't have to. This is an easy-to-read guide based on this author's almost fifty years in the business of manufacturing and producing goods and services with a focus on customer satisfaction. The key to success in process improvement is bringing along your employees as partners in a shared success. It all begins as they come through the door each day.

Facts, Myths, Folklore & Fables
This one is over at Apple Books for only $1.99! This is a fun little book for anyone who is thinking about writing their memoirs or documenting the family history for future generations. The two big problems with such a project are where to start and how to gather and organize your family's history. This little guide will provide you with some simple and fun ideas on how to get the ball rolling. After that, let your creativity take over.

Row, Row Your Boat - Navigating Life and Your Career
A bit of a departure from what I've done. This book will be all over the place, wherever you get your e-books, but not yet. There is also a print version if that's what you prefer - links below. This one is the story of my career, although I tend to think of it as a series of guesses and mistakes. Whatever you want to call it. I hope you find it fun to read. I'm working on an audiobook - that turns out to be a bit more complicated than I expected. Presently, the e-book sites are not online as my publisher seems to be merging with another company. As soon as that is resolved, I'll have it available here.
Print version: https://leanpub.com/rowrowyourboat