Benjamin Franklin: "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."

It is time for our leaders to come together in a new political party dedicated to excising the cancer of an autocratic tyranny from our democratic and Constitutional form of government. This tyranny has been growing like an invasive weed for at least forty-five years.
It must happen now, not later. We are already seeing President Trump and his P2025 cabal thumb their noses at the laws and judicial systems in our government.
Vigilance, knowledge, and dissent are essential in preserving democracy and protecting freedom from the ever-looming threat of tyranny. We must act quickly before the roots of the weeds of tyranny are too deep in our governmental operations that drastic action becomes necessary.
As shown in the comments in the following paragraph, the seeds of autocratic tyranny have existed since our great nation's founding. In the last half-century, going back to people like Newt Gingrich and The Tea Party, those on the far political right have continued to fertilize and water those seeds until it now threatens a stranglehold on our democracy in the form of President Trump’s second term combined with the manifesto for tyranny called Project 2025.
The Founding Fathers emphasized the importance of checks and balances within a government structure. They believed that a pure democracy might lack the necessary safeguards to prevent the abuse of power and would benefit from a separation of powers to maintain order and protect liberties.
They expressed concerns that charismatic leaders could manipulate public opinion, elevating demagogues who might make promises that are appealing but ultimately harmful to the republic's principles.
Specifically, past presidents have said the following.
Abraham Lincoln: "The people of this nation will determine their own destiny, lest tyrants rule in their wake. We must be vigilant and guard against the encroachment of power upon our liberties, for the greatest danger lies not in the hands of the few, but in the complacency of the many."
Thomas Jefferson: "A government that is strong enough to provide security is also strong enough to take away our freedoms. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. We must ensure that the powers we entrust to our leaders do not become the chains of tyranny."
George Washington: "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. The spirit of faction and the thirst for power are ever-present dangers. We must cherish our freedom and remain ever watchful to prevent its erosion."
Franklin D. Roosevelt: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror that paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. True liberty is rooted in security and justice; any departure from these principles invites tyranny."
John Adams: "Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people. A shadowy ignorance breeds tyranny. We must educate ourselves and consistently question the motives of those who wield power."
Ronald Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Let us never forget, tyranny can come dressed as benevolence, promising ease while stripping us of our rights."
Barack Obama: "As pioneers of democracy, we must always reflect on the ideals we strive for. Tyranny thrives in silence and shadow; we must speak out, challenge injustice, and ensure that the voices of the oppressed are heard."
James Madison: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. We must create a system of checks and balances to prevent any one entity from holding too much power."
We need a coalition of elected leaders in our Congress from both parties who will come together to prevent the further erosion of our democracy. Only an immediate impeachment of the sitting president and vice president can eradicate the present danger.
In the House of Representatives, we need about seventy percent of members to form a new party, whether temporary or permanent. Call it what you will. There is a grassroots effort underway called the Forward Party - . Perhaps it can be called the Revolutionary People’s Party (RPM). The name is not essential. Salvaging our democracy is.
We need a similar coalition in the Senate, meaning seventy members come together to save our freedoms. There will still be differences from left to right on many issues, but the adhesive that bonds these American patriots must be the preservation of our democratic form of government. Once that is done, we can look at how to prevent another political coup as we've seen unfolding in 2025.
The other thirty percent, the extremists on both the right and left, will be in the minority. They will still have a voice to mount arguments and try to win their points, but they must not be allowed to corrupt our government institutions with their autocratic ways.
It's not too late, but it soon will be if the P2025 cabal is allowed to corrupt our government agencies and dismantle the balance of power and checks envisioned by our founders.
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